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Is Your Lemonade Stand Working This Summer?

Is your lemonade stand working this summer? As the temperatures rise and summer settles in, many of us find that this season can either be the busiest time of the […]
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What if Your Legal Team Could Read Your Mind?

Life would be a whole lot easier, right? Imagine a world where your legal team knows exactly what needs to be done, when, and how, without you having to micromanage […]
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Are You Streamlining Your Client Intake and Your Website for Success?

In the competitive field of law, having a streamlined process for client intake and engagement is not just a luxury - it's a necessity.  And two of the vital tools […]
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Congratulations! Practice42 is the Best of Florida Winner in the Business Consulting Firms Category!

We are so happy to share with you Practice42 has been chosen by readers and editors of The Guide to Florida as an award recipient in the 2023 Best of […]
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Creating Your Law Practice Bookkeeping System

There is no question creating a solid bookkeeping system is crucial for maintaining the financial health and organization of your law practice. You know you need good books for your […]
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Are You Creating More Work For Yourself?

Most of us share a similar goal: Work smarter, not harder. But are we actually setting ourselves up to work longer and longer hours with no end in sight? Believe […]
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Are You Wasting Money on Law Firm Tools You Don't Need?

How often do you stop to take the time to answer this question? Once a month? Once a quarter? Never? Or does it keep you up late at night as […]
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Is QuickBooks Desktop Sunsetting at the End of the Year?

Recently, Intuit, the creators of the widely used accounting software QuickBooks, made an announcement regarding the discontinuation of the 2020 version(s) of QuickBooks Desktop (QBD) on May 31st, 2023. This […]
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What Does a Law Firm Bookkeeper Do?

Do you have a bookkeeper right now? Or is this another one of the many hats you wear in your practice? Do you feel, as many of the attorneys we […]
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Thinking about Your Switching Software Program? Some Things to Consider

There could be a multitude of reasons why you are leaving your current software program for another. Whether you are leaving for more streamlined services, better monthly prices, and the […]
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