4 Quick Rules for Monthly Marketing Content

Posted by Audrey Ehrhardt, Esquire, CBC

Each month we get asked (a lot) about what to talk about with your audience in your monthly marketing content. We thought it would be helpful to share with you where we start each month and devote a new newsletter focus each month dedicated to content rich topics you can use for your own business (just click here if you want to sign up for our newsletter 1Weekly).

We are big fans of coming up with your own ideas (see #p42funfactsfriday) but we know not all of us have the time (or desire) to create original content.  While we know the content you develop can depend on your audience, we follow four quick rules for finding and utilizing attention catching content no matter what your industry.

1. National Holidays and Events.

This is an easy content grab for both sharing/recognizing important life events and creating your own content. It is also evergreen, refreshing each day or month.

2. Popular Industry Hashtags.  

This is a great way to join a conversation that you may not be a part of yet or to gain inspiration for what others are talking about. Make sure you balance the hashtags you use with a tie into your own website. (Don’t forget to take a minute to find out what those hashtags mean too).

3. Share Location.

Letting people know where you are is a great way to get fresh new content (demonstrating you are participating in social media) while engaging with your audience. Think where you are, what you’re doing and who you’re with – if you’re on Instagram share a picture.

4. Food!

As in recipes, not pictures of food – although we are guilty of that sometimes. The reaction to a recipe post can and will generate more interaction than you’re expecting.  Keep it balanced, unless you’re a foodie, restaurant or food/beverage industry insider.

What will you do in your business? Reach out and let us know or tag us in your upcoming posts. We look forward to hearing from you!

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