Mixing personal finances with your law firm’s books or trust account is one of the most common and dangerous mistakes law firm owners can make. What starts as an innocent overlap, for example paying a bill here, using a firm card there, can quickly spiral into serious ethical violations, accounting disasters, and even potential legal repercussions. Without the proper systems in place, you risk undermining the credibility of your firm, losing the trust of clients, and facing hefty penalties.
In this critical webinar from Practice42’s Fall Firm Protection Series (A Practice42 Mini-Conference) Webinar 2: Keep Your Personal Life Out of Your Law Firm Books (and Your Trust Account!), Audrey Ehrhardt, Esq., CBC, and Katie Lilly, CPA, will guide you through the essential steps to keep your personal and business finances separate and compliant. They will dive deep into this conversation to ensure you have the knowledge you need to stay protected including discussions on:
You won’t want to miss this free training from Practice42’s own CEO & Founder, national speaker Audrey Ehrhardt, Esq., CBC, and Katie Lilly, CPA, on Thursday, October 1st, at 12 pm ET. Space is limited! Register now to secure your spot and protect your law firm from financial missteps!